

穆珊旦 - Bukha


此地有許多吸引觀光客的景點,例如建造於伊斯蘭教紀元1250年的堡壘 Al Bilad, 及建立於高聳山峰並且從Bukha境內各地皆可看到的Al Qala'a堡壘,還有許多岩洞皆具有欣賞的價值。

Located on the coast of the Arabian Gulf, on the west side of the Wilayat of Khasab it neighbours the Emirate of Ras Al Khaima in the west. It contains approximately 86 villages.

There are a number of touristic attractions. The fort of Al Bilad, in the centre of the Wilayat was built in 1250 AH. There is also the fort of Al Qala'a, located on a mountain top which can be clearly seen from all over the Wilayat; also a .ruined mosque in the west of the Wilayat, together with two castles and a spring in the village of Al Jadi. There are also many caves in the mountains.