

穆珊旦 - Khasab


Khasab座落於Dibba和Bukha之間,是一個東方遠眺阿曼海灣,西北方眺望阿拉伯海的地區,同時Khasab具有絕佳的戰略航道可提供90%原油產業送往世界各國。 境內各有136個村莊,其Khasab地名意指「溪流及雨水帶來源源不絕的山泉並圍繞著富饒肥沃的土地」。 Khasab有一座古老的清真寺Al Siba在1980年曾被重新修復,其清真寺被喻為西方的清真寺。此地亦擁有許多吸引觀光客前往探訪的地方。

Khasab is located in the furthest north of the Governorate of Musandam. It lies between the two Wilayats of Dibba and Bukha, overlooking the Gulf of Oman in the east and the Arabian Sea in the north west. It also overlooks the Straits of Hormuz, the strategic waterway through which 90% of the oil production of the Gulf region passes to the international consumers. This area of the Gulf has a tortuous fjord-like coastline.

It contains about 136 villages on the coasts and in the mountains. Its name is attributed to the fertility (khasab) of its rich land with its fresh subterranean water, which flows down through the great wadis when rain falls.

There are a number of castles, forts and towers. The castle of Khasab dates back to the beginning of the era of Al Busaid. It was renovated at the beginning of 1990 by the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture.

The exact date of construction of Khasab Al Kamazara is not known, it is located in the village of Al Kamazara. There are also three towers, Al Siba which is located in the place of the same name, the tower of Kabas Al Qasr - of which only ruins remain, and the tower of Said Bin Ahmad Bin Sulaiman Aal Malik, which is located in Bani Sanad. It is all that remains of a huge fort which, with the passing of time, has fallen into oblivion.

There are also old mosques, such as Al Siba which is called 'the western mosque' it was restored in 1980. The two mosques of 'Al Suq and Al Kamazara were also restored during the era of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos.

There are many tourist attractions in Al Rouda and Al Khalidiya, in addition to Wadi Khan, Masifah, Hiyut and Khur Najd. There are also a number of bays and gulfs and islands. The most important are Khalij Khasab, Khalij Kamzar, Khalij Shisa, Khur Sham, Khur Al Need, Khur Hablain, Khur Qabl. Khur Ghab and Khur Qadi. The most important islands are Al Ghanam, Musandam, Um Al Tair, Salama and its girls, Um Al Fayarin, Al Khail, Makhbook, Abu Makhalif, Sawik (Al Suda).