

巴提那地區 - Saham


Saham位於海岸及山脈之間,境內有豐沛的水源及壯麗的山景,但這裡最為人知的莫過於阿曼國王Sultan Qaboos及他的臣子一年一度商討國事的駐紮營地。這是個非常難得的機會能提供各地區居民與國王討論國內大事,並且聽從他的建議與方針。Saham同時也以賽駱駝及賽馬聞名。

Saham is located between the coast and the Hajar Mountains and the wilayat has plenty of fresh running water and spectacular mountain scenery. It is perhaps most famous for the area known as Seih al Taybat, which is where His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos holds one of his royal camps whilst on his annual inspection of the regions. The camps provide an opportunity for the residents of the region to discuss their concerns for their towns and villages with the Sultan and listen to his advice and directives. Saham is also famous for camel and horse racing, which are popular holiday and weekend sports.