

馬斯開特 - Al Amrat

MUSCAT - Al Amrat

這個區域的人口約為40,868人.其分別居住在6 個主要村莊︰ 艾爾Amerat, 艾爾Hajer,Jahlout的鄉,干谷艾爾Meeh,干谷艾爾Sireen 和Nahda的城市的鄉的鄉。 他擁有81座清真寺,其中以 AL Amerat與Mutahadamat叫顯為人知。

這區有考古和遊懶的標地物, 其中最值得注意的是礦物--有紅赭石採石場與Ghar Hadhadha 洞窟, 最為有名。

本區有61道人工渠和57個河谷區,其帶有豐足的棗椰樹,芒果和荷花水果。 此地並設置農業指導中心。

Its population is 40,868 living in six principal villages: Al Amerat, the township of Al Hajer, the township of Jahlout, the township of Wadi Al Meeh, Wadi Al Sireen and the city of Nahda.

The Wilayat of Al Amerat with its 81 mosques was known in the past as Al Fatah and elsewhere as Al Mutahadamat.

This Wilayat has both archaeological and tourist landmarks, the most noteworthy of which are the lead mines, the red ochre quarry, Beit Saharij, Wadi Sireen Nature Preserve, Wadi Al Meeh (Al Lajam) the Ghar Hadhadha Cave, the steep zigzag incline of Jebel Saqif and the Safah Al Bab well at the fool of the mountain.

The district has 61 aflaj and 57 wadis or watercourses, with plentiful date palms, mango and lotus fruit. In recognition of its importance as an area of rich cultivation there is an agricultural guidance centre here which pursues active programmes in vegetable and fruit cropping and the distribution of seed to farmers.