

馬斯開特 - Muscat

MUSCAT - Muscat




傑拉里堡(Forts Jalali)&密拉尼堡(Forts Mirani)-馬斯開特最具代表性的古蹟,建於16世紀的軍事堡壘。至今這兩座堡壘仍為當地警察的辦公室和軍隊的基地。

阿蘭姆皇宮(Al Alam Palace) - 國王卡布斯的皇宮,建於1972年。由於建築特殊且金碧輝煌,相當吸引人。遊客可在莊嚴氣派的阿拉伯式宮殿前攝影留念。

拜德阿爾祖貝爾(Bait Al Zubair) - 伊斯蘭風格建築的博物館。館內展示了阿曼各地各時期的珠寶、手工藝品、武器、服飾、照片及一些歷史文件。

阿布斯坦皇宮飯店(Al Bustan Palace Hotel) - 非常雄偉壯觀,曾被評為世界前十大飯店。遊客可欣賞阿拉伯式之藝術風格與西式之豪華設備,並提供中式、日式、歐式餐點任君選擇。

馬托拉傳統市集(Muttrah Souq)- 阿拉伯式傳統市集。這裡空氣中充滿著檀香及乳香的香味,販賣的物品從珠寶、傳統飾品到衣服、藥草,應有盡有。

星期五市場(Friday Market)- 馬斯開特市民喜愛於此市集購物,在此可買到的東西從牛羊牲口蔬果五穀到二手汽車,種類繁多。每週四亦有開放。

阿爾古倫(Al Qurm)- 此區有許多大型購物中心,喜愛購物的遊客千萬不可錯過此地!區內還有阿曼最大的公園。

The city of Muscat is counted one of the older cities in history having been built at the outset of the Arab migrations which preceded and followed the destruction of the Maarib Dam. We can safely say that its history predates the arrival of Islam by several centuries.

Muscat is distinguished by the presence of citadels, forts, towers, walls, gates and historical houses.The municipality of Al Sifa is home to Al Sifa Fort which overlooks the sea from its coastal position and backs onto a valley.

The walls of the city of Muscat were its first line of defense in the fortification and protection of the city from attackers.

The city is today encircled by a ditch of natural stone in place of a wall. The Omanis call this wall Al Hosn or the fortification. Other walls are still in existence around the city on two sides, the west and the south. The one that was erected in 1625 AD has round towers built into it. On the northern and eastern side of the city are the natural defense boundaries of the Gulf of Muscat and the eastern mountains.

The walls of Muscat have three principal access points or gates: Bab Al Matha'eeb, the Greater Gate and the Lesser Gate. The first of these is in the western corner below the Al Mirani Fort. The second is at the extremity of the western rib of the wall and this one is the point of egress to most of the roads leading to the suburbs of Muscat and to the city of Muttrah. The third or Lesser Gate is mid-way along the southern rib of the wall and despite its name is also one of the principal entrances to the city.