

朵法爾 - Muqshin

DHOFAR - Muqshin

Muqshin與西邊的沙烏地阿拉伯為鄰。 過去,此地因椰棗種植與擁有充沛的地下水而聞名,並且是Rub al' Khali商隊重要的商旅中心,也是沙漠探險者的本營。 考古學家已發現追溯到石器時代的工具和碑文。居民主要以養駱駝或種植椰棗為生。

Muqshin is adjacent to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the west. It is famed for its date plantations and abundant ground water supplies and in bygone days, was an important caravan centre of the Rub al' Khali as well as a base camp for the desert's explorers. Archaeological exploration has revealed tools and inscriptions dating back to the Stone Age. Its inhabitants mainly breed camels or cultivate date plantations.