

馬斯開特 - Mutrah

MUSCAT - Mutrah

馬托拉區內有Muttrah漁市,販賣各種新鮮漁獲及蔬果,漁市對面的馬托拉傳統市場(Muttrah Souq) 販售各種阿拉伯日常生活用品、香水、香料、傳統服飾及藝品,亦有金飾店、兌換外幣的錢莊穿插其中。傳統市集和公園,較便宜的旅館也位於此區內;Ruwi可說是一個辦公區,企業和政府機關多位於此。此區亦有多家五星級國際旅館沿海灘而建,飯店內多附設酒吧,市內亦有各式收費合理之餐廳及旅館可供選擇。還有 Al Juma Souq, 意為星期五市集,星期五相當於回教地區的星期日,住在馬斯開特的阿曼人喜愛於此市集購物,在此可買到的東西從牛羊牲口蔬果五穀到二手汽車,種類繁多應有盡有,熱鬧的程度更勝中國式傳統市場。

這是一座貿易和企業的城市, Mutrah的人口有154,316。據說名字Mutrah的意思為船一個停泊地點的存在(即"擲下錨")所致。

Mutrah的Wilayat 馬斯開特區中為6 Wilayats中最重要的,因為它具有一定的歷史和文化背景;由於它是阿曼的古老的通商港,它的suq是 很多的主要來源和完全不同的貨物從港口轉播到阿曼的其它suqs。 據說,也曾經為棗椰樹和其他樹培養的一個點。

Mutrah的堡壘,牆,塔,人工渠道的形狀非常具有特色,許多考古學和遊客因其建築的特色先後造訪。Mutrah 堡壘,以Koot Mutrah為整個Wilayat 散佈的13座堡壘中的最突出之一,它擁有六座塔。

Wilayat of Mutrah is counted amongst the most important of the six Wilayats in Muscat Governorate, on account of its ancient historical and cultural standing; for it was Oman's ancient trading port and its suq was the principal source of the many and diverse goods relayed from the port to the other suqs of Oman. It is said that it was once also a fertile spot much cultivated with date palms and other trees, watered by aflaj and sweetwater wells from which the citizens, orchards and visiting ships were supplied.

Mutrah boasts a number of archaeological and tourist landmarks in the shape of forts, walls, towers, aflaj and watercourses, as well as parks and gardens. Mutrah Fort, known popularly as Koot Mutrah is one of the most prominent of the 13 forts scattered throughout the Wilayat. It has six towers, built under the Portuguese during their occupation of Muscat after 1578. It was the seat of government during the rule of Sultan Said bin Sultan Al Bousaidi and occupies an elevated site on the mountain overlooking the Muttrah coast.