

馬斯開特 - As Seeb

MUSCAT - As Seeb

錫柏 為一段50 公里的距離沿著阿曼灣海岸邊的一狹窄帶。 它的人口是在在24個村莊和鄉中間分約為223,267個人左右。

此區合併許多歷史場景, 最顯明的代表城堡為 Al Khodh, Jifnin, Raseel, Al Kharas 和 Al Saleel塔。 它有兩堵牆,其中一,蘇爾Jimma,200 年以前在干谷艾爾Lawami的鄉的防禦過程中證明是有用。 第2,蘇爾‧艾爾Rawia,被稱為拜特‧艾爾Rawia或者艾爾Rawia房子,由6 間寢室和liwan組成。 它大約150年前被建造。

拜特‧艾爾Awad或者艾爾Awad房子在艾爾Khodh。 在1886 AD 建立,它有一個1,200平方的米的地板面積。 Wilayat艾爾Seeb有大約140座清真寺。

Al Seeb lies to the west of the Wilayat of Bowshar, occupying an narrow strip of coastline along the rim of the Gulf of Oman for a distance of 50 kms. Its population is around 223,267 persons distributed among 24 villages and townships.
The Wilayat incorporates a number of sites of historical interest, the most significant of these being the citadel of Al Khodh, Jifnin, Raseel, Al Kharas and Al Saleel Towers as well as the towers of Wadi Al Haya. It has two walls, one of which, Sur Jimma, proved useful in the defence of the township of Wadi Al Lawami 200 years ago. The second, Sur Al Rawia, known as Beit Al Rawia or Al Rawia House, consists of six chambers and a liwan. It was built some 150 years ago.

Beit Al Awad or Al Awad House is at Al Khodh. Founded in 1886 AD, it has a floor area of 1,200 sq. metres. Wilayat Al Seeb has around 140 mosques.

One of the most significant sights in this Wilayat are the districts of Al Manuma, Al Khodh (interior), the coast of Al Hail, the Daymaniyat Islands, Al Khodh Park, Al Sahwa Tower Al Nasim Park, Al Mawalih, Al Maasila, Al Rusyail, Al Jirou, Al Jifnain, Al Mirorat and Al Bunoud.