

阿達克力亞 - Nizwa


尼日瓦位於馬斯開特的西南方,車程約需2小時左右,它是阿曼內陸地區最大都市,有『回教世界的珍珠』之稱,在西元6和7世紀時曾是阿曼的首都。最著名的古蹟是由聯合國教科文組織認定為世界歷史遺跡之一的巴赫拉堡(Bahla Fort)和由17世紀時最勢力強的領主所建的賈布林堡(Jabrin Fort),賈布林堡至今仍保存得非常完整。堡內有為各種防禦敵人進攻的機關,例如堡內結構複雜有如迷宮、樓梯的間距不一以減緩敵人入侵速度,樓上房間的地板有小洞以倒下熱油或熱水阻撓敵軍等等,由於這位領主當時非常富有,所以堡內的裝飾、雕刻及結構較阿曼境內其他城堡複雜而豪華,後人將這位領主葬於堡內一個隱密的地方以紀念他。

尼日瓦城堡(Nizwa Fort)旁的市場外觀為阿曼式傳統建築,但內部設備非常現代化且整潔,平日販售蔬果、肉類、日常用品等,市場旁的種有椰棗樹的空地一到星期五就成為交易牛、山羊、駱駝等動物的牲口市集,從一大早便人聲鼎沸,喊價之聲不絕於耳,營業到中午為止。


Nizwa was host to the 24th National Day celebrations in 1994, held in the Youth Complex that is located in Seih al Kuds. The complex covers 443,000m2 and has capacity for 15,000 spectators. Nizwa is a diverse, prosperous area, which has many agricultural, historical, governmental and recreational aspects. Nizwa Fort, located in the town proper, is an imposing structure; 24m high, with an external diameter of 43m and an internal diameter of 39m. This was the headquarters of the ruler of Nizwa and was built by the Imam Sultan bin Saif bin Malik al Ya'rubi. With its connections to the root of Islam, Nizwa has a number of important mosques, such as Nizwa Mosque, a Friday mosque heralded as a 'beacon of science'; So'al Mosque, built in the 2nd century AH; and the Al Shawadhana Mosque which is located in the district of Aqr. The Nizwa souq is situated next to the fort and was renovated in the 1990's, costing RO2.5million. The souq covers an area of around 7600m2 and consists of separate buildings housing the likes of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dates, spices and handicrafts. The design of the souq compliments the fort in every way. It has been constructed using the same traditional materials, such as sarooj, a gypsum material which is burnt until it turns brown. In 1993, Nizwa won the 'Organisation of Arab Cities' award. 

There are around 90 afalaj in the area, the most important being Falaj Daris. The Wadi Tanuf Dam, completed in 1989, is designed to increase the supply of subterranean water which feeds the afalaj of Daris and Tanuf. The increased supply has led to an expansion in the agricultural area. The dam is 135m long and is located on the watercourse of Wadi Tanuf which is famous in the Middle East for its mineral water. 

Although Nizwa is a modern city, parts of the wilayat, in particular, the Jebel al Akhdar region are still inaccessible. The inhabitants of these areas receive provisions and building materials brought to them by the Armed Forces. There is also a 'flying doctor' who provides medical services.