

阿達克力亞 - Samail


Samail為第一位皈依伊斯蘭教的阿曼人,Mazin bin Ghaduba之故鄉,此地第一座清真寺Mazin則是由他所建造的。Samail境內擁有許多的溪流,同時也有近190座的渠道環繞著綠洲及椰棗田園。提到椰棗,在這裡有許多各式各樣不同的品種,例如Naghal; Fardh; Handhal; Khanizi; Mabsali; 和Khasab,而阿曼品質最好的椰棗之一就是從Samail而來的。

Samail was home to Mazin bin Ghaduba, the first Omani to embrace Islam. He built the first mosque in Samail, in 9th century AH which is known as the Mosque of Mazin. Samail contains many wadis, some of which constitute the natural 'Samail Gap' which divides the mountains into the Western Hajar and Eastern Hajar ranges. There are around 190 afalaj which meander around green oases and date plantations. Some of the best dates in Oman come from Sumail. There are a number of different date palms grown here: Naghal; Fardh; Handhal; Khanizi; Mabsali; and Khasab.