

愛許莎奇亞 - Bidiyah


Bidiyah在阿拉伯文即為「開始」的意思。據說在伊斯蘭教紀元1800年,Hajjaris(佔多數人口的居民)就己經在這裡開墾並建造城堡、堡壘以及許多的水道系統。在Bidiyah還有最重要的遺址且經由國家遺址文化保護局近期所修復的,叫做Al Mintarib堡壘。天然的景緻為Bidiyah帶來了美麗的色彩,從沙洲至山脈,從海岸到綠洲皆令人驚豔。除了自然風光外,Bidiyah最有名的還有一週一次舉行的賽馬與賽駱駝,其受歡迎的程度更是聚集了全國愛好者來此地共襄盛舉。

It contains about 15 villages. Story tellers relate that it was established when the Hajjaris (who are the majority of the inhabitants) arrived there. That was in 1008 A.H. They built castles and forts, and they made a number of falaj, before which the Wilayat was reliant on wells. This stage "the descending of the Hajjaris" was considered the beginning of its prosperity and so they called it "Badiya" (the beginning) - thus relate the story tellers ....

One of the most important sites, in the Wilayat of Bidiyah is the fort which the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture restored recently. It is the fort of Al Mintarib. There is also the fortress of Al Wasil. This is surrounded by four towers, in addition to three other forts, which are called Al Shaariq, Al Hawiya and Al Ghabi.

Nature plays a beautiful role in the Wilayat of Bidiyah. The environment differs between sand and mountains, the coast and green oases. The Wilayat is famous for Arabian horse and camel racing which takes place at the end of each week. Many enthusiasts from both inside and outside the Sultanate, watch these races.