

愛許莎奇亞 - Al Mudaybi


Al Mudaybi位在鄰近的Bidbid及Sumail區的北方,Mahut區的南方及lzki和Adam區的西方,是一個有90個村莊所組成的地區。其歷史可追溯至幾千年前由一群考古學家在Samad Al Shaan發現遺址開始,城堡、堡壘及兩座最顯著的清真寺-一座Al Sawar位於Al Mudaibi,另一座Al Jam'aa則在Samad Al Shaan。不僅如此,這裡還有更多吸引觀光客的地方,例如天然的泉水、水道系統、洞窟和現代化的娛樂場所,其中最著名的山泉Ain Al Harid據說甚至可以治癒各種傳染性的疾病。

In the north it neighbours the Wilayats of Bidbid and Sumail, which are part of the Dakhaliya region, and Ibra and Al Qabil which are part of the Sharqiya region, in the south the Wilayat of Mahut, which is part of the Wusta region, in the east the Wilayats of Badiya and Ja'alaan Bani Bu Hasan and Ja'alan Bani Bu 'Ali, and in the west the Wilayats of lzki and Adam, which are part of the Dhakaliya region. There are about 90 villages . Its history goes back thousands of years, according to what archaeologists have discovered in Samad Al Shaan.

Some of its archeological features are: the castle of Al Jawabir in the town of Al Rawdha, the two forts Kabeeb and Khazam in Samad Al Shaan, the fort of Al 'Aqir, the castle of Al Busa'idi in the town of Al Akhdar, and Burj Warid and the houses of Mutowa where the Wilayat meets the Wilayat of Ibra. The most outstanding mosques of the Wilayat are Al Sawar in Al Mudaibi, and the Al Jam'aa Mosque in Samad Al Shaan. 

There are a number of tourist attractions, natural springs, falaj, caves and modern places of amusement. The most important spring is 'Ain Al Harid, which is famous for curing various contagious diseases. The two most important falaj are Al Farsakhi and Bumanin.

There are caves throughout the mountains of Al Rawdha and Jabal Madar. One of the modern amusement spots is in the Al Fasha'iya area in Wadi 'Andaam, and others in the towns of Al Sahili, Wadi Daqiq and Wadi Da'ada'.