愛許莎奇亞 - Wadi Bani Khali
ASH SHARQIYAH - Wadi Bani Khali由馬斯開特向南車程約3小時的依博拉(Ibra)市附近的比尼哈利德河谷終年有水,河水清澈凜冽,河岸邊長滿青翠的椰棗樹叢與其他植物,沿河兩岸因河川長年沖刷侵蝕而形成陡峭的山壁,阿曼人平日亦常前來此河谷烤肉垂釣或戲水消暑。附近的居民利用這條河的水來洗滌衣物、餵養牲口,溯溪而上可見一巨大岩洞,有450公尺長,若要進岩洞探險需有安全帽及照明裝備,冬季時因溪水高漲而無法進入岩洞內探險。
In the west it neighbours the Wilayats of Badiya and Al Qabil, in the east the Wilayat of Sur, in the south the Wilayat of Al Kamil and Al Waafi, and in the north the Wilayat Dima and Al Taaiyin. It contains about 30 villages. It is famous for a number of archaeological sites. There are some forts, the most important being: Hasan AI Muwalik in the village of Al 'Awina, which dates back to the 4 th century A.H., the biggest fort in the Wilayat and in the past was the base of the Wali and the Judge, the fort of Al 'Adafin in the village of Qaswah, and the fort of Al Raziqiyeen in the village of Al Husun. All in addition to other forts of which only ruins remain. There are also 9 towers.
The Wilayat has many tourist features. The main one is the cave of Maqal, where water falls from holes, then bursts out with a gurgling sound into a pool. It disappears again and finally collects into lakes which the people distribute into three falaj. The Wilayat chose this cave as its emblem. Other tourist attractions are the springs, of which the most important are: 'Ain Duwah, Al Lathab, Al Kabira', Al Haajir, Al Kanara, Al Makhdah, Al Hawiya, Al Jabiyat Al khamra, Al Montajir, Al Halka, Al Ithnain and "Ain Ghalaala. In addition there are 56 falaj, the most important being: Al Hili, Al Fardhah, Abu Ba'rah, Al Saaruj, Al Garbi, Falaj Abu Khulaan and Al Kabeer.