

阿達西拉 - Dank


共16622個居民及48個村落,Dank區具有顯著的歷史背景,其說法可由西部的Falaj al Bazili 和中部的Imam’s Fort兩處得到答案。 Falaj al Bazili 是由伊瑪目Saif bin Sultan AI Yarubi (伊斯蘭教宗教領袖或學者的尊稱)所建造,而 Imam's Fort則由伊馬目Azzan bin Qais所重新修繕的。除了為數可觀的堡壘之外,Dank溪流也是觀光聖地,加上豐富的渠道系統及山泉,Dank是一個不容錯過的景點之一。

The wilayat has a distinguished history. It has 16.622 inhabitants and 48 villages. The imams of earlier times took an interest in Dank, as can be seen today in Falaj al Bazili in the west of the Wilayat and the "Imam's Fort" in its central area. Falaj al Bazili was constructed by Imam Saif bin Sultan AI Yarubi, who cultivated extensive areas around it, while the "Imam's Fort" was renovated by Imam Azzan bin Qais. Ibn al Rumtha built Al Oud Fort in Safalat al Wahshi. Other forts in the Wilayat include al Shiraya', al Subaikha, al Marqu', al 'Aqr, Doot, al Jafrah, Balat, al Khilli and al Fath. There are also six towers: al Saghar, al Taff, al Ghafah, al Khilli, Abu Kariyah and al Qala'ah.
Wadi Dank is one of the Wilayat's main tourist sites. Other popular spots are Wadi al Fath and Wadi Qumaira.

The Wilayat is well endowed with falajes underground water resources and springs. Its falajes include al Sadd, al Sima, al Muhaidith, al Taff, Salalah, Qumaira, al Rahbah, Balat, al Fath, al Janbi, al Khilli and Khamat. Its two springs are al Musaifiya and Bani Saa'idah.