

阿爾烏斯塔 - Hayma

AL WUSTA - Hayma

Hayma是位於阿曼中心沙漠的廣大地區。 在南方鄰接Dhofar的Governorate, 在北方則是與Dakhaliya為鄰, 東部與Rub' Al Khali 沙漠相接,西邊則臨阿拉伯海。
在Hayma地區,有一些洞穴是特殊的旅遊景點。 最著名的是位於Ja'aluni東北邊,名叫Al Raki的洞窟,這裡有天然湧出的泉水,不過是無法飲用的水。 還有Al Masak洞穴,透過一條斜坡小道就可以抵達洞口。 另一個名為Qataar的洞穴,裡面也有天然水,不過也是不能飲用。 除了洞穴之外,還有3個天然湧泉,其中"Buyi Al Huja"位在一塊巨大石頭和石質地基所形成的天然屏障中。

第二個被稱做"Al Asla",位於Al Habur西南方, 由一根石柱構成的它的下半部分,上頭由石塊堆積,也提供自然的蔭涼處。 第三個則是以鹽丘為特點的Qarn Alunz。

除了自然美景之外,這裡是阿曼國王首先在1970年代初次發想的現代化概念的城市。 國王指示在確定在Jiddat Al Harasis的Wadi Ja'aluni建立「阿拉伯羚羊保育區」,此處被聯合國教育科學暨文化組織列為世界遺產之一 ,並且被認定是保育野生動物與環境的重要地點,深受遊客喜愛。

It is a vast Wilayat located in the heart of the desert in the middle of the Sultanate of Oman. Neighbouring it in the south is the Governorate of Dhofar, in the north the Dakhaliya, and especially the Wilayat of Adam, in the east the desert of Rub' Al Khali and in the west the Arabian Sea.
It is almost mid-way between Muscat and Salalah, 540 km from Muscat and about 500 km from Salalah in the Governorate of Dhofar.
      In the Wilayat of Hayma there are some tourist features such as caves. The most outstanding is the cave of Al Raki which is located in the north east of Ja'aluni, water emerges from this cave but it is not potable. There is also Al Masak cave which hasearth's surface. It can be reached through an opening with a sloping path. The fourth cave is called Qataar and there is water in it but it is not drinkable. There are also, besides the caves, 3 springs. One of them is called "Buyi Al Huja" which is a vast rock standing on a rocky foundation forming natural shade.
      The second is called "Al Asla" and it is located in south west Al Habur, the lower part of it consisting of a column of rock, with stones rising above it, also providing natural shade.
      The third spring is Qarn Alnuz which is characterized by salt dunes.
In addition to these natural tourist features there is a modern feature in the Wilayat which was first devised at the beginning of the 1970's by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. His Majesty's directives established "the Arabian Oryx Reserve” in Wadi Ja'aluni in the Jiddat Al Harasis which the International Committee of Heritage of Unesco added to its list of "places of World Heritage". Harasis is considered a place for tourism and an important one for those interested in the preservation of wild animals and the environment.