

朵法爾 - Dalkut

DHOFAR - Dalkut

Dalkut位於Dhofar遙遠的西部, 並且享有與自己海灣和葉門港口交易的便利,出口皮革、蜂蜜、無花果樹和乳香。 此地有很多的泉水從Jebel al Qamar(月亮山脈)的溪谷中噴出。幾個世紀以來,在天氣不佳時,洞穴和石窟為牧羊人及羊群 提供了絕佳的避難所。 某些洞穴,例如Mashloul和Asbir,內部包含古老的碑文。

Dalkut is located on the far west of Dhofar and has enjoyed its own merchant sea trade with the ports of the Gulf and Yemen, exporting leather, honey, figs and frankincense. This wilayat has many springs which burst forth from the wadis of the Jebel al Qamar (Mountains of the Moon). The caves and grottos in the area have provided shepherds and flocks with safe refuge from adverse weather conditions for centuries. Certain caves, such as Mashloul and Asbir contain ancient wall inscriptions.