

朵法爾 - Salalah

DHOFAR - Salalah

Salalah,是Dhofar的行政首都,位在阿拉伯海的海岸線上,離北方的首都馬斯開特1040 公里左右。許多年來,此地是許多歷史及考古研究的主題 , 並且已經發現許多不同形式的證據,包括書寫、碑文及記號,證實許多文明曾在此地輝煌一時。

Manjawi文化於第12 和第16 世紀之間,活躍在Belid地區。當時此文明以繁盛的貿易活動聞名,主要出口商品是阿拉伯馬和乳香。 它被認為是Ahmed bin Mohammed al Haboudhi重建之城市,並且以"Al Mansourah"(勝利之意)重新命名;探險者馬可‧波羅的作品內亦重申其地位之重要性。 境內有三處考古遺跡,包括古城牆、古墓及清真寺。

但是,Salalah的全部風景並非全屬過去。 Salalah擁有令人讚嘆的沙灘和懸崖,以及壯闊的山脈風景。 在Mughsil的海灘上,露出地面的岩脈有許多的噴出孔,當海水漲潮時,便會戲劇性地爆發,吸引眾人的目光。 Salalah正在積極發展為度假休閒勝地,並且吸引許多國際旅館連鎖集團,例如假日飯店及希爾頓飯店等等。 Salalah 港口,在1998年完成,成為世界的最重要的貨櫃碼頭之一,此項建設為阿曼人已經提供許多工作機會。

Salalah, which is the administrative capital of Dhofar, lies on the Arabian Sea, around 1040km from Muscat in the north. The city has been subject to many historical and archaeological studies over the years and evidence has been found in the form of writing, inscriptions and signs indicating that a number of different civilizations have succeeded each other here.
The Manjawi civilization dwelt in the district of Belid between the 12th and 16th centuries. At this time, the area was renowned for its thriving import and export activities, the main exports being Arabian horses and frankincense. It is thought that Ahmed bin Mohammed al Haboudhi rebuilt the city and renamed it Al Mansourah (The Victorious) and this status was reaffirmed in the writings of explorers Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta. There are three archaeological sites in Al Mughsil with traces of ancient walls, tombs and mosques.
Not all the sights in Salalah belong to the past, however. This wilayat contains stunning beaches and steep, mountainous landscapes. The rocky outcrops on the beach in Mughsil contain many blowholes which burst dramatically during high tide. Salalah is developing as a tourist resort and is attracting a number of international hotel chains such as Holiday Inn and Hilton. Port Salalah, completed in 1998, is destined to become one of the world's most important container terminals. Its construction has provided jobs for many Omanis.