

朵法爾 - Mirbat

DHOFAR - Mirbat

Mirbat在Dhofar 海岸線的中心點,人們相信它的地名來自"marabat al khail"(傳說:馬被綁緊的地方)。 Mirbat因培育出口到東非及印度的阿拉伯馬而聞名,當然還包括出口乳香。它擁有壯觀的風景,從海岸線到Jebel Samhan的令人深刻印象的頂峰,最高峰到4754ft。

Mirbat的城堡以傳統的阿曼防禦工事風格所建造,這與此地區的多數典型建築不同。農業是一項季節性的活動,主要在Tawi A'teer 地區, 主要農作物有豆子、芒果、黃瓜和玉米。 Marbat擁有天然的水泉、石窟及洞穴。

Mirbat is on the central strip of the Dhofar coast and its name is believed to have come from marabat al khail (lit. place where horses are tied up). Mirbat was famed for breeding Arabian horses which were exported, along with frankincense, to India and East Africa. It has a spectacular landscape, from its coastline to the impressive peaks of Jebel Samhan, the highest of which stands at 4754ft.
The Citadel of Mirbat was built in the traditional Omani style of defensive architecture, which is atypical of many of the structures built in the area. Agriculture is a seasonal activity here, mainly confined to the Tawi A'teer region. Beans, mangoes, cucumbers and corn are the main crops. Marbat is rich in natural springs, caves and grottos.